Legal Support Help

How Virtual Assistants Save You Money

According to an article, Virtual assistants offer as much as 50% improvement in productivity compared to those who do not work virtually since the majority of remote workers are less distracted at home than they would be in the office – promoting focus and results in getting things done. VAs can produce higher-quality output at a much lower cost.

How Legal Support Help’s Virtual Assistants can save you money: 

  • Less operating costs – you can save the sum amount of  money on office space rent, utilities (internet and electricity), computer and fixtures, cleaning services, food, and taxes by working remotely.
  • Less recruitment and  training expenses – hiring in-house employees may take a portion of your billable hours with pooling and reviewing qualified candidates, conducting interviews, and background investigation could require additional budget. Reaching out to Legal Support Help will help you skip the tedious process. More so, VAs are prepared through basic legal 101 training, internship, and upskilling prior to onboarding resulting in less to no training expenses on the client’s side.
  • Less payroll and retention expenses – Virtual assistants are paid for the actual time spent on a particular task allowing you to delegate more administrative workload, unlike with in-house employees who are paid whether they are working or idle. Additionally, you no longer have to compute and spend for employee liability insurance, health insurance, short & long-term disability insurance, 401k, paid time off, holidays, and bonuses when you work with VAs. 
  • Less non-billable hours – Lawyers only spend less than 3 hours on billable work and the rest of their 8-hour schedule is spent doing repetitive administrative tasks such as timekeeping, intake with leads, follow-up with clients, and invoicing that can be simply endorsed to VAs, so you can focus on consultation, attending court hearings, negotiation, or things that matter more.